Sony has launched its long awaited 3D LED TVs. One has a 46 inch screen while the other has a 55 inch one for the ultimate viewing experience. If you are a Sony fan then this is the TV of your dreams, and if you have not been one up until now, this Sony XBR-55HX929 should convert you into one.
Even without having the TV on the Sony XBR-55HX929 looks chic and stylish, with its flat screen (1.5 inches thick) on its stand. Of course it can also be wall-mounted if you prefer. The picture is superb with 1080 pixels-all of which function- there are no 'dead' pixels. It has sharp colour contrasts and you can adjust the depth of the 3D content for the ultimate 3 D experience. In 2D you still have the same excellent picture quality. It has Internet connectivity and you can stream music and videos, which look - good even the low-resolution ones look sharp and crisp. Both of the sets in the Sony HX929 series are excellent buys, but for the real feel of a cinema in your own home the Sony XBR-55HX929 is best. This high definition 3D TV works with Sony active shutter glasses as does the smaller one in the Sony HX929 series.
If you know what you are doing and are technologically savvy, then you can install it yourself, although I always find that a professional does the best job. If you want it wall-mounted, then you should call in an expert. If however you want it freestanding then you can install it yourself.
The picture quality is second to none, as you would expect from a brand new Sony. You can go to a store which is displaying the Sony XBR-55HX929, the equivalent Samsung and LG models, and decide for yourself which picture is the sharpest. The Sony stands out. It is thin and elegant and looks good even when switched off and unlike the Samsung and LG plasma screens it doesn't leave a "shadow"
The instructions were a little tricky to follow for me, but I called in a friend who fixed it for me, so if you have a little more know-how than I do the instructions can be followed.
The price is the major drawback I suspect for many, but the quality and the features you get with the Sony XBR55HX929 and the smaller screened one in the Sony HX929 series are arguably worth the extra cost.
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